quarta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2013

The dream

The dream

(Paula Campos Soares)

Almost exploding - the word
Bursting into flames - the mind
Pretending to be right - the action
The lie is black or white - what kind?

Almost exploding - the action
Bursting into flames - the heart
Thinking of what is right - the mind
Pretending to be white - an art

Trying to control - the word
Pretending to try - the action
The action of the mind
The art of the heart

Losing control of the action
Losing control of the heart
Lost in questions of mind
Which cannot be answered by words. Maybe by art?
What kind of truth? What kind of lie?

The surreal peace of explosion
The surreal beauty of pain
Costumes, masks, make-up?
There's no need
Wake up!


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